Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
tamination of groundwater or toxicity to birds or aquatic invertebrate animals,
as a reason for restriction.
When environmental contamination occurs, it is the result of either
point-source or non-point-source pollution. Point-source pollution comes
from a specific, identifiable place (point). A pesticide spill that moves into a
storm sewer is an example of point-source pollution. Non-point-source pollu-
tion comes from a wide area. The movement of pesticides into streams after
broadcast applications is an example of non-point-source pollution.
Non-point-source pollution from pesticide applications has most com-
monly been blamed for pesticide contamination in the outdoor environment.
But more and more studies are revealing that, in fact, much environmental
contamination does not result from non-point-source pollution. Contamina-
tion also results from point sources, such as:
wash water and spills produced at equipment cleanup sites
improper disposal of containers, water from rinsing containers, and
excess pesticides
pesticide storage sites where leaks and spills are not correctly cleaned
spills that occur while mixing concentrates or loading pesticides into
application equipment.
These kinds of tasks are involved with nearly every pesticide use, whether
the pesticide is applied outdoors, or in or around an enclosed structure. Figure
9.1 shows a worker cleaning equipment.
As a user of pesticides, especially if you use and supervise the use of re-
stricted-use pesticides, you must become aware of the potential for environ-
mental contamination during every phase of your pesticide operation. Many
pesticide uses are restricted because of environmental concerns. Whenever you
release a pesticide into the environment—whether intentionally or acciden-
whether there are sensitive areas in the environment at the pesticide use
site that might be harmed by contact with the pesticide
whether there are sensitive offsite areas near the use site that might be
harmed by contact with the pesticide
whether there are conditions in the environment at the pesticide use site
that might cause the pesticide to move offsite
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