Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 8.17 Typical cone pattern nozzel with its parts.
The regular flat fan nozzle tip makes a narrow oval pattern with tapered
ends. It is used for broadcast herbicide and insecticide spraying at 15 to 60
psi. The pattern is designed to be used on a boom and to be overlapped 30 to
50 percent for even distribution. Spacing on the boom, spray angle, and
boom height determine proper overlap and should be carefully controlled.
Tips are available in brass, plastic, stainless steel, and hardened stainless steel.
The even net fan nozzle makes a narrow oval pattern. Spray delivery is
uniform across its width. It is used for band spraying and for treating walls and
other surfaces. It is not useful for broadcast applications. Boom height and
nozzle spray angle determine the width of the band sprayed. These tips are
available in brass, plastic, stainless steel, and hardened stainless steel.
The flooding (net fan) nozzle delivers a wide-angle net spray pattern. It
operates at very low pressure and produces large spray droplets. Its pattern is
fairly uniform across its width but not as even as the regular net fan nozzle
pattern. If used for broadcast spraying, it should be overlapped to provide
double coverage. It is frequently used for applying liquid fertilizers, fertilizer-
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