Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
an appropriate respirator, if any of the pesticides require the use of
one during handling activities or for spill cleanup
containment "snakes" to confine the leak or spill to a small area
absorbent materials, such as spill pads, pillows, absorbent clay, ex-
panded silica, activated charcoal, vermiculite, sawdust or corn cobs to
soak up liquid spills
sweeping compound to keep dry spills from drifting or wafting during
a shovel, broom, and dustpan (foldable brooms and shovels are handy,
because they can be carried easily)
heavy-duty detergent
a fire extinguisher rated for all types of fires
any other spill cleanup items specified on the labeling of any prod-
ucts you use regularly
a sturdy plastic container that will hold the quantity of pesticide from
the largest pesticide container being handled and that can be tightly
All of these items can be stored in the plastic container and kept clean and
in working order until a spill occurs.
If you are involved in a pesticide spill, you may need to comply with the
provisions of two different laws administered by the EPA.
In the event of a spill, Title III of SARA requires you to report any acci-
dental release of a extremely hazardous substance. Reporting is required if all
the following occur:
the pesticide was spilled
the pesticide is covered under SARA Title III
the spill quantity was greater than the reportable quantity (RQ) specified
in the law
the spill created offsite exposure
If such an accident occurs, you must:
notify the State Emergency Response Commission (SERC)
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