Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 6.2 Mixing pesticides (courtesy of American Cyanamid Company).
- pushing or pulling wheel-mounted sprayers
- using high-pressure, handgun nozzles
- using hand-held, fumigation equipment
- using dipping vats or spray-dip machine
- putting plants or seeds in pesticides
- flagging for aircraft applications
repai ring
appli cation
equip ment
clogg ed
- leaking or broken hoses, or other malfunctions that occur when the
equipment is in use
- adjusting contaminated application equipment, such as boom
height, adjusting nozzle pattern, or adjusting hopper openings
- containing or cleaning up a pesticide spill
- disposing of excess pesticide
- washing contaminated equipment after use.
By vehicle, pulling or mounted with
- a low-pressure sprayer
- a boom
- a granular applicator
- a high-pressure sprayer
- an injector or incorporator
- a fumigation applicator
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