Agriculture Reference
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Toxicity varies and is dependent on the active ingredient and the formula-
tion (e.g., emulsifieable concentrates, wettable powders). Iprobenfos have a
low oral LD 50 and is classified in Toxicity Category II (Warning), whereas
aluminum fosetyl (fosetyl-Al) is only slightly toxic and is classified in Toxic-
ity Category III.
Table 5.41 Commercial products containing organophosphate compounds.
Active Ingredients
Trade Names
Aluminum fosetyl
Aliette, Chipco
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Briggs, S. A., Basic Guide to Pesticides: Their Characteristics and Hazards ,
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Brown, V. K., Acute Toxicity in Theory and Practice , John Wiley & Sons,
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Chambers, J. E. and P. E. Levi (Eds.), Organophosphates, Chemistry, Fate,
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Cheremisinoff, N. P. And J. A. King, Toxic Properties of Pesticides , Marcel
Dekker, Inc., New York, 1994.
Corbett, J. R., The Biochemical Mode of Action of Pesticides . Academic
Press, New York, 1974.
Corbett, J. R., Wright, K., and A. C. Baillie, The Biochemical Mode of Ac-
tion of Pesticides . Academic Press, New York, 1984.
Hayes, W. J. Jr. and E. R. Laws Jr. Handbook of Pesticide Toxicology , Aca-
demic Press, 1990.
Johnson, J. M. and G. W. Ware, Pesticide Litigation Manual , C l ar k Bo ar dm a n
Callaghan, New York, NY, 1996.
Kearny, P. C. and D. D. Kaufman , Herbicides—Chemistry, Degradation, and
Mode of Action, Vol. 3. Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, 1990.
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