Agriculture Reference
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Table 5.39 Commercial products containing morpholines and piperazines.
Active Ingredients
Trade Names
Denarin, Funginex, Saprol
Carbel, Funbas, Mildofix, Mistral
Acrobat, Forum
Dicarboximide Compounds
This group of fungicides consists of vinclozolin, iprodione, and procymi-
don. Only procymidone acts systemically; however, vinclozolin and iprodione
both exhibit protective and curative activities.
Mode of Action
The mode of action is not clearly defined, but there are indications that it
might be connected with cell division, as well as chitin biosynthesis.
This group of compounds is relatively nontoxic and is classified in Toxic-
ity Category III and IV.
Table 5.40 Commercial products containing dicarboximide compounds.
Active Ingredients
Trade Names
Curalan, Ronilan, Ornalin, Vorlan
Chipco, Rovral
Sumilex, Sumisclex
More than 100 organophosphate compounds show fungicidal action; how-
ever, relatively few are of practical use as fungicides. Among these few are
iprobenfos and aluminium-fosetyl, which are systemic in their activity, and
tolclofos-methyl, which acts as a protectant or contact fungicide.
Mode of Action
Iprobenfos have been shown to block the synthesis of phospholipids.
This reduction in phospholipids alters the membrane structure in the fungus,
increasing permeability with consequent loss of vital cellular components and
eventually killing the fungus. Fosetyl, or its metabolite, phosphonic acid,
probably acts directly on the target fungus, slowing its growth and hence al-
lowing the plant's natural defense mechanisms time to kill the fungus. The
mode of action of tolclofos-methyl is presently unknown.
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