Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
276, Sweep, Osequat Super, Gramonol, Toxer Total, Pillarxone, and Pillar-
Paraquat is commonly formulated in combination with other herbicides:
With diquat: Actor, Preeglone, Preglone, Priglone, Weedol (a 2.5% solu-
ble granule formulation).
With monolinuron: Gramonol
With diuron: Gramuron, Para-col, Tota-col, Dexuron
With simazine: Terraklene, Pathclear
Diquat is usually prepared as the dibromide monohydrate salt, 20% to
25% in liquid concentrates. Diquat and reglon are alternative common names.
Commercial products are Ortho Diquat, Aquacide, Dextrone, Reglone,
Reglox, and Weedtrine-D. Combinations with paraquat are listed above.
Diquat is still used as a water herbicide but is now applied as a dessicant
and terrestrial herbicide as well.
Carbamate, Aromatic or Phenyl Carbamate, and Thiocarbamate Herbicides
The carbamates are esters of carbamic acid. They exhibit fungicideal, in-
secticidal as well as herbicidal activity.
Mode of Action and Toxicology
This group of herbicides has many diverse modes of action. The mode of
action of most of the members of this group is by interfering with photosyn-
thesis, or by interfering with cell division in meristematic tissues (growing
termini). This later action is effected by impairing nucleic acid metabolism
and protein synthesis.
Most of these herbicides are absorbed by the plant roots and are translated
in the xylem.
There is evidence suggesting that many of the thiocarbamates reduce the
production of cuticular wax and interference with lipid biosynthesis which proba-
bly represents the primary mode of action of these herbicides.
As a group, these herbicides exhibit moderate to low acute toxicity. The
carbamates and their relatives present no particular hazard in normal use.
Table 5.15 Commercial products containing carbamates or related com-
Active Ingredient
Trade Name
Eptam, Eradicane
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