Agriculture Reference
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viduals, local depigmentation has apparently resulted from protracted dermal
contact with chlorophenoxy compounds.
The chlorophenoxy compounds are absorbed across the gut wall, lung, and
skin. They are not significantly fat-storable. Excretion occurs almost entirely
by way of the urine. Apart from some conjugation of the acids, there is lim-
ited biotransformation in the body. Figure 5.9 pictures a retail package con-
taining 2,4-D (Weed-B-Gon ® ).
Figure 5.9 Trigger pump sprayer containing 2,4-D (Weed-B-Gon ® ).
In 1933, 2-methyl-4,6-dinitrophenol (DNOC) was introduced. DNOC,
along with the related compound dinseb are used on a limited scale because of
its toxicity to plants, animal and the environment.
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