Agriculture Reference
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If the job requires less than a full tank, you must know how many acres
you wish to treat and how many gallons your sprayer is pumping per acre.
Figure both the number of gallons needed in the tank and the pounds of for-
mulation to add. Use these formulas:
Gallons per acre x Acres to be treated = Gallons needed in tank
Acres to be treated x Pounds formulation per acre = Pounds formulation needed
in tank
Example: 4
You wish to spray 3.5 acres and your equipment is applying 15 gallons
per acre. The label rate is 3 pounds per acre.
Gallons per acre (15) x Acres to be treated ( 3.5 ) = Gallons needed in tank (52.5)
15 x 3.5 = 52.5
Acres to be treated ( 3.5 ) X Pounds formulation per acre (3) = Pounds formula-
tion ( 10.5 ) needed in tank
3.5 x 3 = 10.5
If the recommended dosage is given as pounds of active ingredient per
acre, you must first convert that figure to pounds of formulation per acre. Use
the following formula:
x 100 = Pounds formulation per acre
Percent of active ingredient in formulation
of active
per acre
Then follow the formulas listed above under "pounds per acre" to find the
pounds of formulation to add to your tank.
Example 5:
You wish to apply 2 pounds of active ingredient per acre. Your formula-
tion is 80 percent WP.
of a.i.
per acre (2)
= 2.5 pounds formulation per acre
% a.i. in formulation (80)
2 x 100 รท 80 = 2.5
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