Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
from 2 to 8 pounds per gallon. Because of the relatively high percentage of
active ingredient, you usually do not need to handle a large amount of product
for a particular job. At the same time, it is relatively easy to apply too little
or too much of the chemical.
Figure 4.2 The hazards of various formulations (EPA, Protective Clothing
for Pesticide Users , poster).
Because of their high concentrations and liquid form, emulsifiable concen-
trates may be hazardous to the applicator because the skin readily absorbs the
solvent carrier. Care must be taken when handling this type of formulation.
Figure 4.3 shows a bulk container of an emulsifiable concentrate with a DOT
Emulsifiable concentrates leave little visible residue on plants. However,
some plants are sensitive to the solvents and additives and damage (sometimes
termed phytotoxicity) may occur. For this reason, an emulsifiable concentrate
formulation may not be registered for a particular plant, even though wettable
powder and dust formulations of the same active ingredient can be used.
Because little agitation of the spray suspension is needed, emulsifiable
concentrates are especially suitable for low-pressure, low-volume sprayers and
for mist blowers. You can also use them with many other types of applica-
tion equipment, including dilute hydraulic sprayers, low-volume ground spray-
ers, mist blowers, and low-volume aerial sprayers.
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