Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
Gunning —Gunning, though highly selective, is expensive and time
consuming. It works best in combination with other methods. It will often
take larger predators not controlled by traps or toxic devices.
Attractants —Many techniques, such as light and sound are used to attract
pests to a trap. Predator calling can increase the efficiency of gunning efforts
on larger predators.
Repellents —Repellents include a variety of devices aimed at keeping
pests from doing damage. Automatic exploders, noisemakers, recordings of
scare calls, moving objects, and lights are some of the repellents used. The
efficiency of some of these devices is variable and may be highly dependent on
Figure 3.21 Typical leg-hold trap (EPA, Applying Pesticides Correctly: A
Guide for Private and Commercial Applicators, 1983).
Removing sources of food and shelter helps to suppress some vertebrate
pests. Sanitation techniques are used widely to control rodents in and around
homes, institutions, restaurants, food-processing facilities, and other related
c. Chemical Control
Pesticides for rodent pest control usually are formulated in baits. The
chemicals may be highly toxic to humans, livestock, and other animals.
Therefore, correct bait placement is important in order to control the pest
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