Database Reference
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Figure 2-48. Configuring the impersonation information
so he typed in RSLaptop2\Administrator . Note the direction of the slash. On web addresses you use a forward
slash, but here it must be a back slash.
using a full administrator account is not recommended in a production environment, but for demonstration
purposes, it is a good choice because it resolves a lot of issues that can be difficult to troubleshoot. in this topic, we
use an administrator account for all of our exercises. if you are particularly familiar with windows, SQL Server, and
Analysis Server security, you can use an account that has restrictive privileges. Otherwise, we highly recommend
using an administrator account for the book exercises. Search the web for “True windows Administrator” for more
The next screen of the wizard allows you to name the connection and finish the wizard. The wizard puts
spaces between any words it believes to be a concatenation of multiple words. It does this simply by looking for
uppercase and lowercase letters. Although this may make it more readable, our experience has shown that spaces
in names cause problems for some computer programs. Therefore, we can either take out the spaces that the
wizard puts in or just change the name altogether.
Creating a Data Source View
After the connection is made, you need to create a data source view. A data source view provides the foundation
of any cubes or dimensions you create. Since Analysis Server 2005, you no longer build cubes as dimensions
directly against the data source. Instead, Microsoft provides an abstraction layer represented by the data source
view (Figure 2-49 ).
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