Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 15-14. Changing the command text to the vAllTables view
If you look closely at Figure 15-14 , you can see that the command type is set to Table. This setting includes
both tables and views, so currently nothing needs to be changed to make this work. Changing this setting to
use a SQL statement, however, allows you to get different data for your report by adding your own custom
SQL code.
This means the SQL table or view used in the report will be entirely different than what was originally stored
in the .odc file. A dialog box warning you of this appears after you change the SQL statement and click OK.
The message looks pretty official, but if you want to see the new data, you will have to click Yes to continue
making the change. Figure 15-15 shows an example of this warning message. (It's a very long message, so we
cut some of it out.)
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