Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Change the cube's name to CubePubssales. A dialog window will briefly appear
telling you that your change is being updated to the ssAs server (Figure 12-48 ).
Figure 12-48. Renaming the cube with a live connection
Verify the Change in SQL Server Management Studio
Open sQl server management studio (ssms) and connect to the ssAs server, as
shown in Figure 12-41 .
When ssms opens, locate the PubsBICubes database folder icon in the Object
Explorer treeview.
Expand the PubsBICubes folder icon and locate the Cubes folder icon (Figure 12-49 ).
Expand the Cubes folder icon and verify that the cube is now named
CubesPubssales, as shown in Figure 12-49 .
Figure 12-49. Verifying the cube has been renamed
In this exercise, we changed the name of the dWPubssalesVer1 cube to CubePubssales using a live
connection to ssAs.
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