Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 2-32. Configuring a SQL Server connection
After you have created and configured the connection, you can configure the SSIS tasks. We typically do so in
the order defined by the precedence constraints. The first task in our package is an Execute SQL task, so we start
Configuring an Execute SQL Task
As the name implies, an Execute SQL task allows you to run SQL statements from SSIS packages. They are often
used to clear out the data warehouse tables so they can be refilled with new data. This “flush and fill” technique
works only with smaller data warehouses tables, but because it is the simplest technique, we will use it in our
WeatherTracker ETL project.
Tables can be cleared by using a set of Delete From < table name > SQL commands like the ones shown in
Figure 2-33 . When SSIS runs an Execute SQL task, these SQL statements are executed on the connected SQL
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