Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 2-22. Verifying the tables and columns in DWWeatherTracker
All should be correct, so you can close the Excel spreadsheet
( WeatherTrackerETLPlan.xls ), the SQL file ( InstWeatherTrackerDW.sql ), and
Server Explorer.
place the Code File in a New Solution Folder
Now that the data warehouse is built and you have verified that it is correct, let's move the SQL code file to a
new visual Studio solution folder.
in Solution Explorer, select the solution weatherTrackerProjects icon by clicking
it and then click the Add New Solution Folder button to create a new solution
folder. (Be sure you do not have the Solution Documents folder highlighted,
or the new folder will be created as a subfolder of it instead of a subfolder
of the entire solution.) Select the title and then click it again to rename it
Click the InstWeatherTrackerDW.sql file in the Solution Documents folder and
drag it into your new WeatherTrackerDataWarehouse folder. Note that this does not
move the file to a new location on the hard drive; it just adds a new visual reference
to the file in Solution Explorer.
Now you have two references to this file, one in each solution folder. we now
remove the original. Right-click the WeatherTrackerDW.sql file that is within
SolutionDocuments and select Remove from the context menu. This does not
delete the file but only removes that reference. verify that what you see in Solution
Explorer looks similar to Figure 2-23 .
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