Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 10-1. The Dimension Designer tabs
Dimension Structure Tab
The Dimension Structure tab allows you to add, remove, and group attributes within your dimension. It is divided
into three panes:
Data Source View
Let's take a closer look at each of these.
The Attributes Pane
The Attributes pane allows you to select an attribute and configure it using the Properties window of Visual
Studio (Figure 10-2 ). To edit a property, right-click an attribute and select Properties from the context menu.
This will open the Visual Studio Properties window if it is not already open or bring it to the forefront if it is
already open.
As mentioned in previous chapters, dimensions are made of a collection of one or more attributes. Attributes
are similar to columns in a database table, with one important exception: each attribute can be associated with
one or more columns in a table. For instance, in Figure 10-2 , the Properties window shows that the Author
attribute is associated with the DimAuthors.AuthorsKey column (used as a key column) and the DimAuthors.
AuthorName column (used as a name column).
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