Database Reference
In-Depth Information
C:\_BISolutions\PublicationsIndustries\PublicationsIndustries.sln file
to open the solution.
Add a new SSAS project to the solution by selecting File 1Add1new Project from
the main menu at the top of Visual Studio or by right-clicking the Solution icon in
Solution Explorer (Figure 9-8 ).
When the Add new Project dialog window appears, select the Analysis Services
Multidimensional Cube project template and name the project PubsBICubes
(Figure 9-9 ).
Create a Data Source
Create a new data source that connects to the DWPubsSales data warehouse by
right-clicking the Data Source project folder and selecting new Data Source from the
context menu, as shown in Figure 9-11 .
When the data source wizard appears, click next to access the wizard's connection
dialog window. Create or select a connection to the DWPubsSales data warehouse
(Figure 9-12 ).
if a connection is already available in the Data Connections pane, select the
connection. if it is not available, click new to create a new connection in the
Connection Manager dialog window (Figure 9-12 ). Enter your SQL server's name,
select the DWPubsSales data warehouse database, and click oK to close the dialog
Click next to advance the wizard to the impersonation information dialog window
(Figure 9-12 ).
Configure the impersonation information dialog window to use a specific Windows
account (Figure 9-13 ).
Type in a user name in this format: your_computer_name\a_SQL_and_SSAS_
administrator (for example, MyPC\BobSmith ). Type in the Windows password
into the password textbox and click next to advance the wizard to the final dialog
in the final dialog window, enter the name of the data source as DWPubsSales
(Figure 9-15 ).
Create a Data Source View
Create a new data source view by right-clicking the data source view project folder
and selecting new Data Source from the context menu (Figure 9-18 ).
When the Data Source View Wizard appears, click next to continue to the second
dialog window and select the data source you just created from the Relational Data
Sources list box (Figure 9-20 ). Click next to continue.
Note: Because we have foreign key relationships in our data warehouse, the next dialog window should be
the Select Table and Views dialog window rather than the name Matching dialog window (Figure 9-22 ).
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