Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Tables within a data source view must have relationships between them before they can be used with your cubes
and dimensions. Normally, the relationship defined by a foreign key constraint within the data warehouse is what
is used in the data source view. But, as we have seen previously, the wizard tries to create a relationship even if
there was no foreign key constraint.
From the data source view's perspective, the foreign key constraint is not very important. What is important
is a logical relationship between the different tables in the data source view.
Occasionally the wizard cannot map all the relationships for you. If this happens, you can easily create a
relationship line by clicking an attribute column in one table and dragging it to the attribute column another.
named query relationships must be mapped manually. To do so, right-click a column (or columns) and
select Set Logical Primary Key from the context menu. Drag and drop the relationship lines between the named
query table and the table columns to connect them.
After a relationship line is created, verify that the correct columns were connected. If not, they can be
connected by right-clicking the relationship line in the data source view and selecting Edit Relationship from the
context menu (Figure 9-32 ).
Figure 9-32. The Edit Relationship dialog window
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