Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 9-15. Naming your data source and completing the wizard
We typically do not include spaces in the name because it causes problems in some software. The choice
to use spaces, however, is up to you. Whatever your decision, be consistent with your naming conventions
throughout the project. Each wizard assigns spaces to the object names during the creation of cubes and
dimensions. If you prefer to remove the spaces in one object's name in your project, do so for all the objects in a
VerIFYING that YOU haVe aDMINIStratOr aCCeSS
one common mistake is believing that you have administrator access to SSAS when you do not. The easiest
way to verify this is to open SQL Server Management Studio and try to connect to the SSAS server. Select the
Analysis Services option in object Explorer's Connect menu, and the Connect to Server dialog box appears.
Enter the name of your SSAS server and then click the Connect button (Figure 9-16 ).
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