Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Verify that there are no sQl go statements your code. sQl go statements will cause
the Execute sQl Task to fail.
Click the oK button to close the Enter sQl Query dialog window.
Click the oK button to close the Execute sQl Task editor.
Right click then Add null date lookup Values Execute sQl Task and choose Execute
Task from the context menu (similar to Figure 8-20 ). Visual studio will launch this
Execute sQl task with its debugging engine.
when the task is complete, stop Visual studio's debugger and verify that the task ran
successfully; if there are errors, troubleshoot and try again.
open sQl server Management studio and verify that dimdates has data in it.
Figure 8-22 displays what the data should look like.
Figure 8-22. Verifing the DimDates data
Configure the Fill DimTitles Data Flow Task
The last dimension table we need to fill is dimTitles. so…
navigate to the data Flow tab and select the Fill dimTitles data Flow Task from the
data Flow Task dropdown box.
Add an olE dB data source to the data flow surface. Rename it to get Titles data
olE dB destination.
locate the comment -- 2e) Get source data from pubs.dbo .titles in the
sQl code file and review the code beneath it. The code should look like listing 8-6.
Listing 8-6. SQL Code for pubs.dbo.titles
[TitleId]=Cast( isNull( [title_id], -1 ) as nvarchar(6) )
, [TitleName]=Cast( isNull( [title], 'Unknown' ) as nvarchar(50) )
, [TitleType]=Cast( isNull( [type], 'Unknown' ) as nvarchar(50) )
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