Database Reference
In-Depth Information
sometimes the XMl code in the ssis package will not be properly written unless you click the Mappings
page. Because of this, we recommend you always click the Mappings page even if you are not going to make any
additional configurations.
Error Output Page
Just like the data sources and transformation tasks, the Error Output page allows you to redirect data that causes
an error to a file or SQL table. This can be convenient in some cases, but typically you want your errors to be taken
care of before you get to this stage of the data flow.
The destination components were not specifically set up to handle errors but rather to insert clean data
into a destination. All duplications, conversions, foreign key values, and so on, need to be configured before you get
to the destination!
Now that you have seen how to configure a data flow, it is time to put that knowledge into practice. Let's do
so in the next exercise.
eXerCISe 8-1. COMpLetING the SSIS paCKaGe
in this exercise, you complete the ssis package by configuring all of the remaining tasks and then testing
them to verify that the entire ssis package can execute as a whole. use the same code file from Exercise
7-3 of Chapter 7 for all of sQl code required in this exercise.
Tip: if you have any problems with this exercise, don't worry, we have you covered. You will still be able
to complete the exercises in the rest of the book using a prefilled version of the dwPubssales database. You
will find this file in the C:\_BookFfiles\Chapter07Files\FilledDWPubsSalesDB folder.
reset the Database Objects Before testing Your etL process
Before we begin configuring and testing our tasks, let's make sure that the database is in its normal empty
state by running the sQl code that re-creates the database.
locate the Create dwPubssales script.sql file in Visual studio or sQl server
Management studio (Figure 8-17 ). You should find this file under the dwPubssales
solution folder you created in Exercise 5-4.
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