Database Reference
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Listing 6-28. Creating a User-Defined Function
Create Function fEtlTransformStateToLongName
( @StateAbbreviation nChar(2) )
Returns nVarchar(50)
( Select Case @StateAbbreviation
When 'CA' Then 'California'
When 'OR' Then 'Oregon'
When 'WA' Then 'Washington'
End )
The code in Listing 6-28 creates a UDF that returns the full name of the state whenever a two-letter
abbreviation for the state is given. For this example, we have added only three states, but it goes without saying
that you would normally include all the states, regions, or territories that your data warehouse requires. You can
test your code to verify that it works by executing select statements similar to the three test queries in Figure 6-16 .
Figure 6-16. Working with user-defined functions
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