Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 3-16. The pub_info table
Here are the steps to open the pub_info table:
locate the dbo.Pub_Info table in the treeview list, and right-click this table to access
the context menu.
Choose Select Top 1000 Rows from the context menu. SQl Management Studio will
create a query window, execute the query, and show you the results (Figure 3-16 ).
Note: This table includes binary data that represents an image of the publisher companies' logo. It also
holds some nonsensical text as a placeholder that has never been filled in retroactively.
Close the query window by clicking the x on this window's tab.
Reviewing the Data in the RoySched Table
If you remember, we excluded a few tables at the beginning of this exercise. While we are here, let's look at
them again to make sure we made the right decision.
One of these excluded tables was the royalty schedule table, otherwise known as roysched (Figure 3-17 ).
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