Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Here are the steps to open the titleauthor table:
locate the dbo.TitleAuthor table in the treeview list and right-click this table to
access the context menu.
Choose Select Top 1000 Rows from the context menu. SQl Management Studio will
create a query window, execute the query, and show you the results (Figure 3-14 ).
This table is a Must Have for its ability to connect a many-to-many relationship between titles and authors.
In order for that to be accomplished, you must include the title_id and au_id columns. However, the royalty
percentages may not be useful to us and should be excluded. The author order column, au_ord, which may
have an impact on sales, can be classified as a nice to Have item.
Close the query window by clicking the x on this window's tab.
Reviewing the Data in the Stores Table
next up is the dbo.Stores table shown in Figure 3-15 .
Figure 3-15. he stores table
Here are the steps to open the stores table:
locate the dbo.Stores table in the treeview list, and right-click this table to access
the context menu.
Choose Select Top 1000 Rows from the context menu. SQl Management Studio will
create a query window, open an SQl query window, execute the query, and show
you the results (Figure 3-15 ).
Similar to the authors table, the stores table contains the names and addresses of the stores. Once again, the
names qualify as Must Have data, whereas the address information would be nice to Have but not required.
It may be interesting to examine sales on a state-by-state basis, but it is much less likely that sales would be
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