Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 3-6. Copying the “Solution Development Plan” document to its new location
Right-click the copied file and select Rename from the context menu. Rename the
file BISolutionPlan.docx , as shown in Figure 3-6 .
In this exercise, you began to build the basic documents needed at the beginning of your BI solution. The
next step is to locate the data and verify whether it will be feasible to create the solution. In Exercise 3-4
within this chapter, you add the file to a new Visual Studio solution using Solution Explorer.
Locating Data
Once you have created a basic outline of the BI solution, locate the data necessary to create it. This data may be in
many different places, including simple text files, emails, or more typically, a database.
No matter where the data is located, you need to review what is available and decide what to include and
what to discard from the current solution. As always, try to keep things as simple as possible while satisfying the
requirements of the solution.
In the case of text files, review each one and decide whether the text file as a whole will be part of your BI
solution. After you have categorized which files will be included and which ones will not, closely scrutinize each
field within the file to determine whether it is valuable to the current solution or whether it should be ignored
during this iteration.
In the case of a database, the process is quite similar. First examine the tables available and then decide
whether they are important to the current BI solution. Once you have determined which ones are important and
which ones are not, closely review each field within the tables in order to decide which of these should be included.
This process is much easier to learn by performing it than reading about it. So, let's do that now in this next
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