Databases Reference
In-Depth Information
Table 17-2. The values of the Typ e property
adEmpty = 0
adIUnknown = 13
adNumeric = 131
a dSmallInt = 2
a dDecimal = 14
adUserDefined = 132
adInteger = 3
adTinyInt = 16
adDBDate = 133
a dSingle = 4
a dUnsignedTinyInt = 17
adDBTime = 134
adDouble = 5
adUnsignedSmallInt = 18
adDBTimeStamp = 135
a dCurrency = 6
a dUnsignedInt = 19
adVarChar = 200
adDate = 7
adBigInt = 20
adLongVarChar = 201
a dBSTR = 8
a dUnsignedBigInt = 21
adVarWChar = 202
adIDispatch = 9
adGUID = 72
adLongVarWChar = 203
a dError = 10
a dBinary = 128
adVarBinary = 204
adBoolean = 11
adChar = 129
adLongVarBinary = 205
a dVariant = 12
a dWChar = 130
Note also that the Type property can be set to a disjunction (ORing) of one of the
constants in Table 17-2 and one of the following values:
Indicates that the Type value is an array of values.
Indicates that the Type value is a pointer to a value.
Indicates that the Type value is a DBVECTOR structure, as defined by OLE DB.
This structure contains a count of elements and a pointer to data of type
DBTYPE_VECTOR . For more on this, see the ADO documentation.
For example, the value:
adInteger OR adArray
represents an array of integers.
A Variant containing the value of the dynamic property.
A Long that describes attributes of the property. It can be a sum of one or more of
the following values:
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