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Figure 5.9: Actuator arm design with embedded PZT chip.
or actuated slider or actuated head is preferred to the “actuated arm”. More-
over because of the additional height of the PZT element, it requires more
spacing between disks and thus limits the access to only two disk surfaces
instead of four surfaces in the design STW designed. Nevertheless, by using
such fi xture, the R/W head can move in wider range by controlling the PZT
only without any rotation of the MicroE. Because of the structure of actuated
arm used in this setup, the R/W head can be changed and the system can use
state of the art R/W head that does not necessarily come with an actuated
suspension commercially available.
Figure 5.10: HSTW experimental system block diagram.
The block diagram of the HSTW system is shown in Figure 5.10. The gain
of the clock preamp chip SR1581 can be set via programmable registers. One
MRR/Wheadisattachedtothisampli fi er to perform writing and reading
of the clock track. Clock heads used in typical STW systems are wider than
the MR heads used in this setup. Since the MR R/W head is also used as
clock head, the clock track is propagated wider than the head's dimension so
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