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Figure 3.40: IVC via injecting a signal.
and X c (0) = 0. Thus
N p
D + N a
y =
X p (0).
The objective of the initial value compensator is to find I v = d ,asopposed
to changing the closed-loop system characteristic equation D, such that N D +
d has a more desirable dynamics than N D .
According to Yamaguchi et al [219], any N a can be represented as
N a = N a N
a contains only the stable zeros and N a contains only unstable zeros.
Let the desired poles of the transfer function between the initial states X p (0)
and y described by equation 3.69 be located at ζ i (i =1, 2, ...l), and let
where N
d m =(z −ζ 1 )(z −ζ 2 )...(z −ζ l ),
d = d m d = d m N
a ,
where d contains only stable roots which we choose to be N
a .Then
y = N p d d m + N a n
d m X p (0)
= N p d m + N a n
d m X p (0).
Now we select n such that the roots of N p d m +N a n in equation 3.71 include
all the roots of D, which are λ i ,i=1, 2, ...m+n d ,andλ i+1 = 0 for continuous
time or λ i+1 = 1 for discretize time model. Then the transient response of
y(t) is dominated by the desired poles ζ i (i =1, 2, ...l). Hence it is necessary
to find n =[n 1 ,n 2 , ...n m ]intheformof
n i = a i,q z q + a i,q−1 z q−1 + ... + a i,1 z + a i,0 ,
so that the following equation is satisfied:
N p j )d m j )+N a j )n i j )=0,i=1, ..., m; j =1, ..., m+ n d +1. (3.73)
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