Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
For instance, right now, the pistol is always out since the AegisChung_Arms
prefab has the PistolReady animation running first thing. This was great when we
were setting up the firing of the gun, but is a little awkward now since it's pretty
unbelievable that the gun will make the EMP work or shine light like a flashlight.
So we need to create a couple of functions to bring the pistol out and put
it away. We'll create these functions within the InventoryButtonScript (with
the idea that this script handles all the defining when tools are used with
their respective buttons), and call them up when the buttons are pressed to
activate or deactivate a weapon/tool.
The way we'll put the pistol away (and the flashlight for that matter) is by
playing the animation PistolReady (and FlashlightReady) forward (to bring it
out) and backward (to put it away). The way animations are called on is like this:
GameObject.animation.Play(“Name of Animation”);
Let's call up some animations.
Step 21: Still within InventoryButtonScript, at the top of the script, declare
a new variable to hold the object that has the animations attached to it
(Aegis's arms).
private var aegisArms : GameObject;
Step 22: Create a new function to ready the pistol. And when the pistol is
ready set the pistolReady Boolean to active. Do this at the bottom of the
Warnings and Pitfalls
Note that there is a
subtle but important
difference when working
with attributes of an
animation (like changing
the speed)—namely
that the name of the
animation is contained
in [ ] and not ( ) like it is
when the clip is being
function ReadyPistol(){
aegisArms.animation["PistolReady"].speed = 1;
yield WaitForSeconds (aegisArms.animation.clip.length);
toolFunctionality.pistolActive = true;
The first line there simply says, “on the GameObject aegisArms, find the
animation called “PistolReady” and set its speed to 1 (play at regular
speed). There usually is little need to change the speed of an animation
(if it's animated correctly); however, in a bit, we're going to play this
animation backward by setting the speed to -1. If we don't make sure it's
set to positive 1 here, we won't know if the animation is playing forward
when it's called up in the next line.
Next we're telling Unity to wait for the animation to play—or more
specifically wait for the amount of seconds it takes for the animation to
play before going to the script contained in the toolFunctionality variable
(which we declared on Awake as the AC_ToolFunctionalityScript that is
attached to Main Camera) and setting pistolActive to true.
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