Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
Dock Creation
Step 9: Begin creation of the cement dock area in similar fashion. Start
with a cube (renamed in the Outliner to EntryWayDock ) that is X = 20,
Y = 4, Z = 60 (this can be adjusted later as we build), and extrude the faces
as shown in Figure 2.10 .
Figure 2.10 Beginning to lay out
Step 10: Continue working around the dock making sure to make
extrusions at locations that will allow new extrusions that will allow for
holes ( Figure 2.11 ).
Figure 2.11 Continuing dock layout.
Tips and Tricks
Deciding when to make extrusions is a skill you build up over time and
with experience. I find that sketching out the shape I want to make on a
sheet of paper, and then sketching out the places that extrusions would
need to be made, helps me quite a bit when it comes time to do it digitally.
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