Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
something else, but don't want to necessarily get rid of blocks of code that are
already written. Within JavaScript for Unity a block of code can be “commented
out” by surrounding it with /* at the start and */ at the end ( Figure 14.3 ).
Unity will then disregard anything that lies between those two markings. This
allows blocks of code to be saved in case they are needed later.
Accessing the Documentation
Help>Scripting Reference opens the help files for Unity's scripting languages
in a web browser. Now to be honest, this scripting help document is built
for folks who have a background in scripting. It very often uses terms and
language that is very opaque to the scripting newbie. I can tell you from
personal experience that there are many, many entries that left me with an
utterly hopeless feeling after I read them. Sometimes the explanations are so
scant they provide nearly no information, and other times they are so dense
with scripting jargon, that a mere mortal is left hopelessly floundering.
Further, the scripting guide is often only as good as your vocabulary. If you
know you're looking for information on RaycastHit, it'll pull it right up. But
without knowing that particular phrase, it's tough to stumble upon it. In many
cases it's not a “tell me how to do this” kind of guide.
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