Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
Introduction to Unity
Scripting Basics and Graphical
User Interface
In this chapter we are going to start to make this game a game! Now that we
have imported game levels and game characters and populated those levels
with light and sound, it's time to start making things interactive.
This is where the power of games starts to come through; without the
scripting part games are pretty pictures, or at best walk-through models. And
while there are markets for both of those, they both pale in comparison to the
market for an engaging game.
While strong graphical elements are often an important part of an immersive
game experience, they are not the primary driving force for games that are
fun. The gutless Wii is a perfect illustration of weak graphics but fun game play
driving big growth and big profits. Now, with the emergence of the PS3 Move
system and Xbox's Kinect we may get a look at the Wii control paradigm tied
to strong graphics; it's bound to be an exciting time in video game evolution.
But I digress….
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