Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
Unity Sound
Thus far we have imported levels that were modeled in Maya into Unity and
used Unity's atmospheric effects to add fog and particle-generated steam.
We've also brought in an animated character who runs an idle animation in
a loop. We've even used Unity's animation tools to create animation in the
game engine.
In this chapter we will make the experience further immersive with sound.
Unity 3 includes some very nice additional sound mechanisms that allow for
a very interesting experience for the player. Setting up sound is actually very
quick and simple in Unity and is one of my favorite parts of the engine. So, this
chapter will be short, but the overall effect with be huge.
Get the Sounds
This is often a problem, especially for students. Where to get those sounds
that can be used legally? On the one hand, if you go and record your own
sounds they are yours to use as desired. Unfortunately, most game designers
haven't the equipment or know-how to record good quality audio samples.
Luckily, online there are lots of good libraries that include some very
reasonable licensing fees. Among my favorites is .
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