Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
window, in Hierarchy click the Below radio button. In Time Range: click
the Start/End option and for Start Time: enter 1 and for End Time: enter 240 (if
you've only done the idle as listed earlier) or the last frame of all the animations
you have ( Figure 10.44 ). When everything is set, press the Bake button.
Figure 10.44 Baking animations.
Baking with these settings will set a keyframe for every joint below AC_
Root at every frame. After this has been baked, the foot control handles
themselves can be deleted entirely since the IK that was controlling those
legs is no longer needed. By doing this, the animation attached to this
Maya file is much, much simpler for Unity to interpret. However, this is a
suggestion (not necessary for successful completion).
Step 3: Export as .fbx. Choose File>Export All. Navigate to the Unity
project folder (Incursion-Unity) and into the Assets folder. Change the file
type to FBX Export and (as we've done in the past) be sure that Embed
Media is checked (in the Include section) and that the Version is set to
FBX 2010 (in Advanced Options/FBX File Format section). If you have
not changed them, these should be the same as they were back when
exporting assets for the scene files. Name the file AegisChung and press
the Export All button.
Tips and Tricks
You're likely to get a Warnings and Errors window. Generally, this is not a
big problem. Usually it is warning about Animation Tangent-type changes
that are unavoidable in this situation and shouldn't affect much in the
scene. If you get this error window, just press the Close button.
Step 4: Save your file and open Unity. Of course, make sure you are
working in the appropriate project once inside Unity.
Step 5: Adjust AegicChung's import settings. Once Unity has opened
(it may chug for a minute as it recognizes the new AegisChung.fbx file),
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