Game Development Reference
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With all that scaling and moving, the values in the Channels Box are likely
a mess. Before we get going on any rigging, having all this cleaned up will
make for a cleaner data set. Freezing transformations resets the Translate
and Rotate values to 0 and the Scale values to 1.
Step 9: Clean transformations for weapons. Select AC_Pistol, AC_Rifle, and
AC_Knife. Choose Modify>Freeze Transformations (Options). In the Freeze
Transformations Options window, turn off the Rotate and press Freeze
In modeling and placing the guns, you undoubtedly rotated them into
their place on Aegis. If we freeze the transformation on the rotation
for the weapons, their rotation values will return to 0,0,0. This makes
getting the weapons back to point straight ahead very difficult to do.
By not resetting their rotation values we know that a rotation of 0 (in X,
Y, and/or Z) will likely return the weapon to an upright or flat position.
It's also important that this relative rotation is maintained since it means
the rotation handles would be aligned with the gun. So, we don't want
to freeze the rotation transformation, but all the rest of the transform
information (Translate and Scale) we do.
Step 10: Save a copy of this file for future use. Choose File>Save As… and
save the file as AegisChung-Separate.mb .
This version of Aegis has the guns, knife, and eyeballs separate. In other
versions of this game, having these parts separate could be important.
For instance, if you were building a third-person game where we could
see the character throughout the game we would need Aegis to be
able to take his guns out of their various holsters and use them. In our
version of the game the player will only see Aegis' arms and the transition
from guns will happen off camera. This means that later we will want
a version of Aegis that essentially is just arms with a much simpler rig
setup. However, having an intact but clean version of the model is an
important place to be able to go back to for stripped down assets or if the
requirements of the game change.
Step 11: Combine all the meshes together. Do this by selecting
everything (both eyes, all the weapons, and Aegis himself ) and choose
Step 12: Delete all history (Edit>Delete All by Type>History). You should
be left with one single polymesh in the Outliner.
Step 13: Name the mesh AC_AegisChung_SM (in the Outliner). Save the
file as AegisChung-SingleMesh (File>Save As… ).
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