Game Development Reference
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Figure 9.35 Using the Relax part
of the Smooth UV tool to relax out
overlapping regions.
Figure 9.36 Using Polygon>Relax.
Sigh . . . hands. So beautiful, so complex, and so difficult to UV map. Often
UV mapping the hands is an exercise in compromise. Getting all the digits
unwrapped into a 2D space is just a tough job. The following steps are a quick
compromise to generate a UV map that works very well for game situations
where the hands are rarely the full-screen close-up.
The process will consist of two planar projects followed by some careful
relaxation along the edges of the map.
Step 49: Select the faces along the outside of the hand ( Figure 9.37 ).
Step 50: Apply a planar projection via Polygons>Create UVs>Planar
Mapping (Options). Change the Project From setting to X-axis. Press Project.
We want to project from the side—thus along the X-axis.
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