Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
Because of this, in this chapter we will be modeling and texturing the
player's character in Incursion . This character will be used in the opening
screen and will be animated. This also means that this character is available
if the game ends up (in your able hands) morphing into a third-person game
or a multiplayer game.
Aegis Chung
The player's character is Aegis Chung, who is part of the US Government's Special-
Ops Forces (or any imaginary government agency of your choosing). The specifics
of this character would be found in the design document that would help define
how the character should be designed. For this topic, these conversations occurred
between the character designer (Jake Green; ) and
the game designer (me). The design we settled on is shown in Figure 8.1 .
Style Sheet
Character style sheets are an important part of the character design process—
they define what a character will look like from at least a front and side view.
Really accurate design sheets can be used as reference and the 3D model can
be constructed right over the top of the drawing within Maya (or whatever
the 3D application might be). Occasionally I will work with a student who can
Figure 8.1 Aegis Chung (design by Jake Green; ).
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