Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
Fig. 4.1 Distribution of the mediterranean-type climate (MTC) in the Mediterranean Basin (dark
shading). (Based on Que´zel & Me´dail 2003 .)
temperature-moderating effect of the sea is highest in the west (Atlantic coast) and
lessens toward the east (water temperatures rise from west to east).
Current landscapes in the Mediterranean Basin are a product of long and
intense land use, and often comprise mosaics of agricultural land, old-fields and
wildland, with urbanization increasingly encroaching on these landscapes. Vege-
tation types include a wide range of shrublands (e.g. see Fig. 1.6a ) depending on
the land use history. In the more preserved sites we find tall and dense shrublands
(maquis) dominated by evergreen broadleaf sclerophyllous species (e.g. Rhamnus ,
Phillyrea , Arbutus , Olea , Myrtus , Osyris , Pistacia and Quercus ). In abandoned old-
fields, in pine woodlands or shrublands repeatedly burned, and in frequently
grazed (sheep, goats) areas, shrublands are mainly dominated by species with
small leaves (e.g. Ulex , Genista , Fumana and Helianthemum ), often aromatic
species (e.g. Thymus , Rosmarinus , Teucrium , Lavandula and Satureja ) or by mala-
cophyllous species ( Cistus , Phlomis ; see Box 1.2 ). Grasslands occur mainly as a
transition state in recently abandoned fields, and as a steady state in semi-arid
zones (e.g. alfa steppes, Stipa tenacissima ). Trees are usually low in stature ( < 20 m);
they include species of Ceratonia , Olea , Quercus and Pinus that may occur sparsely
in shrublands or form dense forests and woodlands (e.g. see Fig. 1.6b ). The main
forest trees are evergreen sclerophyllous oaks ( Q. ilex , Q. suber in the west, and
Q. ilex , Q. calliprinos in the east) and pines (often favored by extensive plantations;
e.g. P. halepensis , P. pinaster , P. brutia , among others), with the species varying
depending on the climatic, fire and soil characteristics. These forests usually have a
dense shrubby understory. Winter-deciduous and semi-deciduous trees and shrubs
also occur ( Quercus , Acer , Fraxinus , Platanus , Populus , Pyrus , Ulmus , Amelanchier ,
Lonicera , Vitex , Rhus , Salix , etc.) on moist sites (e.g. pole-facing slopes and ravines)
or at higher elevations in the mountains.
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