Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
(a) Western Mediterranean Basin
(b) Eastern Mediterranean Basin
(d) Central Chile
(c) California
(f) Western Australia
(e) South Africa
Fig. 1.6 Shrublands dominating the five MTC regions of (a) matorral in Portugal representative
of the western Mediterranean Basin, (b) maquis and oak woodland in Israel typical of the
eastern Mediterranean Basin, (c) southern Californian chaparral, (d) central Chilean matorral
with Chilean wine palm in the monotypic genus Jubaea, (e) South African Cape fynbos, and
(f) Western Australian heathland . (Photos by Jon Keeley.)
Australia and South Australia with an increasingly patchy distribution in the
aseasonal rainfall regime of the state of New South Wales.
An alternative to the climatic approach is the mediterranean zone concept that
considers all landscape regardless of climate as included if it comprises critical
MTV components (Le Houerou 2004 ). Although this approach may work well for
regions such as Eurasia that share many vegetation features, it becomes more
difficult to apply globally.
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