Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
understand, not dificult to apply, and not that dificult for consumers to adapt
to and comply' Ten and co-workers 2009 [65].
While the above measures are important for preventing or reducing the problem
of plastic debris, the ultimate solution for preventing plastic disposal in the seas, is
to implement the 'Zero Waste' strategy, encompassing waste reduction, reuse and
recycling as well as producer responsibility and eco-design. In the inal analysis, this
would mean reduction of the use of plastics and synthetics so that they are only
used where absolutely necessary and where they have been designed for ease of
recycling within existing recovery infrastructure. It is possible that biodegradable
plastics could be used where plastic was deemed necessary but could not be seen as
an environmentally sound alternative unless they are known to break down rapidly
to non-hazardous substances in natural environments.
Action that needs to be taken globally for abatement of plastic disposal in sea:
• Designatealeadagencytoactasaclearinghouseandcoordinatorformarine
plastic debris activities.
• Designateappropriateagenciestodraft,reviewandsupportlegislationand/or
• Empowerresponsibleagenciestoimplementandparticipatetothefullestextent
in the various action points put in place for proper disposal of the plastic wastes.
• EncouragefundingmeasuresonalllevelstofacilitatecompliancewithMARPOL
requirements and other legal instruments.
• Coordinate,supportandencouragecontinuedvolunteereffortsandspecialevents
related to the marine plastic debris issue.
• Encourageandsupporteffortsbyalltheusersofthemarineenvironmentto
reduce and eliminate marine plastic debris.
• Supportandencouragetheplasticsindustryandotherindustriestocontinue
research and development of products, which are adaptable to recycling and
proper disposal.
• Increasepublicawarenessabouttheeffectsofmarineplasticdebris.
• Maintainandexpandabaselinedatacollectionandresearchonsources,quantities,
effects and fates of marine plastic debris.
• Encourageportsandlocalgovernmentstocollectanddisposeofmarineplastic
debris in an environmentally sound manner.
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