Information Technology Reference
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15. Suppose you have a flash drive such as the one described in Figure 12.10
on page 383 and you have a workload consisting of 10000 4KB writes to
pages randomly scattered across the drive. Assuming that you wait for
request i to finish before you issue request i+ 1, how long will these 10000
requests take (total)?
16. Suppose you have a flash drive such as the one described in Figure 12.10
on page 383 and you have a workload consisting of 10000 4KB writes to
pages randomly scattered across the drive. Assuming that use a large
number of threads to issue many writes concurrently, how long will these
10000 requests take (total)?
17. Suppose you have a flash drive such as the one described in Figure 12.10
on page 383 and you have a workload consisting of 10000 4KB reads to
10000 sequential pages. How long will these 10000 request take (total)?
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