Information Technology Reference
In-Depth Information
Creating and deleting files
Create a new file with the specified name
link(existingName,newName) Create a hard link|a new path name that refers
to the same underlying file as an existing path
Remove the specified name for a file from its direc-
tory; if that was the only name for the underlying
file, then remove the file and free its resources.
Create a new directory with the specified name
Remove the directory with the specified name
Open and close
Prepare the calling process for access to the speci-
fied file (e.g., check access permissions and initial-
ize kernel data structures for tracking per-process
state of open files)
close(fileDescriptor) Release resources associated with the specified
open file
File access
read(fileDescriptor,buf,len) Read len bytes from the process's current position
in the open file fileDescriptor and copy the re-
sults to a b uer buf in the application's memory
write(fileDescriptor,len,buf) Write len bytes of data from a buffer buf in the
process's memory to the process's current position
in the open file fileDescriptor .
seek(fileDescriptor,offset) Change the process's current position in the open
le fileDescriptor to the specified offset
Set up a mapping between the data in the file
fileDescriptor from off to off+len and an
area in the application's virtual memory from
dataPtr to dataPtr+len .
munmap(dataPtr,len) Remove the mapping between the application's
virtual memory and a mapped file
fsync(fileDescriptor) Force to disk all buffered, dirty pages for the file
associated with fileDescriptor .
Figure11.6: A simple API for accessing files.
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