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9. In the readers-writers lock example for the function RWLock::doneRead() ,
why do we use writeGo.Signal() rather than writeGo.Broadcast() ?
10. Show how to implement a semaphore by generalizing the the multi-processor
lock implementation shown in Figure 5.12.
11. On page page 189, we sketched part of a solution to the Too Much Milk
problem. To make the problem more interesting, we will also allow room-
mates to drink milk.
Implement in C++ or Java a Kitchen class with a drinkMilkAndBuyIfNeeded() .
This method should randomly (with a 20% probability) change the value
of milk from 1 to 0. Then, if the value just became 0, it should buy
milk (incrementing milk back to 1. The method should return 1 if the
roommate bought milk and 0 otherwise.
Your solution should use locks for synchronization and it should work for
any number of roommates. Test your implementation by writing a pro-
gram that repeatedly creates a Kitchen object and varying numbers of
roommate threads; each roommate thread should call drinkMilkAndBuyIfNeeded()
multiple times in a loop.
Hint: You will probably write a main() thread that creates a Kitchen
object, creates multiple roommate threads, and then waits for all of the
roommates to finish their loops. If you are writing in C++ with the
Posix threads library, you can use pthreadjoin() to have one thread
wait for another thread to finish. If you are writing in Java with the
java.lang.Thread class, you can use the join() method.
12. For the solution to Too Much Milk suggested in the previous problem,
each call to drinkMilkAndBuyIfNeeded() is atomic and holds the lock
from the start to the end even if one roommate goes to the store. This
solution is analogous to the roommate padlocking the Kitchen while going
to the store, which seems a bit unrealistic.
Implement a better solution to drinkMilkAndBuyIfNeeded() using both
locks and condition variables. Since a roommate now needs to release the
lock to the kitchen while going to the store, you will no longer acquire the
lock at the start of this function and release it at the end. Instead, this
function will call two helper-functions, each of which acquires/releases the
lock. E.g.,
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