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Figure5.7: Design pattern for a method that wait() 's using a condition
expected each request to take a few milliseconds but instead each request was
taking half a second. Fortunately, the performance was so horrible that it was
easy to track down the problem: layers were passing work to each other through
queues much like the TSQueue shown above, and remove() was implemented as
a polling loop with a 100ms delay. With five such layers of processing, the server
became unusably slow. Fortunately, the fix was simple: use condition variables,
which we will now define.
Condition variable definition
A condition variable is a synchronization object that enables a thread to e-
Definition: condition
ciently wait for a change to shared state that is protected by a lock. A condition
variable has three methods:
CV::wait(Lock*lock) atomically releases the lock and suspends execu-
tion of the calling thread, placing the calling thread on the condition vari-
able's waitingqueue . Later, when the calling thread is reenabled, it
reacquires the lock before returning from the wait() call.
CV:signal() takes one waiting thread o the condition variable's waiting
queue and marks it as eligible to run (i.e., it puts the thread on the
scheduler's ready list.)
CV::broadcast() takes all waiting threads o the condition variable's
waitingqueue and marks them as eligible to run.
Notice that a condition variable is always associated with a lock. One uses
a condition variable to wait for a change to shared state, and updates to shared
state are protected with a lock. Thus, the condition variable API is carefully
designed to work in concert with mutual exclusion locks.
In particular, the standard design pattern is for a shared object to include
a lock and zero or more condition variables. Then, a method that waits using
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