Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 3.4. The nulls in this table will have an effect on mathematical operations in-
volving the table's fields.
Figure 3.5 helps to illustrate the effect nulls have on aggregate functions that incorporate
the values of a given field in a table. The result of an aggregate function, such as
C OUNT (< fieldname >), will be null if it is based on a field that contains null values. The
tablein Figure3.5 showstheresultsofasummaryquerythatcountsthetotalnumberofoc-
currences of each category in the PRODUCTS table in Figure 3.4 . The value of the T OTAL
O CCURRENCES fieldistheresultofthefunctionexpressionC OUNT ([C ATEGORY ]).Noticethat
the summary query shows “0” occurrences of an unspecified category, implying that each
product has been assigned a category. This information is clearly inaccurate because there
are two products in the PRODUCTS table that have not been assigned a category.
Figure 3.5. Nulls affect the results of an aggregate function.
The issues of missing values, unknown values, and whether a value will be used in a math-
ematical expression or aggregate function are all taken into consideration in the database
design process, and we will revisit and discuss these issues further in later chapters.
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