Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Views enable you to see the information in your database from many different aspects,
providing you with a great amount of flexibility when you work with your data. You can
create views in a variety of ways, and they are especially useful when you base them on
multiple related tables.
There are several reasons why you should define and use views in your database.
You can use them to work with data from multiple tables simultaneously. During
the database design process, you established relationships between various pairs of
tables bearing one-to-many or many-to-many relationships to each other. (Recall
that you resolved the many-to-many relationships via linking tables.) A view
provides the mechanism that allows you to work with data from two or more re-
lated tables simultaneously.
They reflect the most current information. Because the RDBMS rebuilds and re-
populates the view every time you access it, the information displayed by the view
exhibits the most recent changes to the data in its base tables.
You can customize them to the specific needs of an individual or group of individu-
als. You can build a view to suit any set of requirements, such as providing the
data for a particular report or providing a means of examining specific information
that is common to several departments within an organization.
You can use them to help enforce data integrity. You can define a validation view
that works in the same manner as a validation table—its purpose is to provide a
valid range of values for a given field in the database.
You can use them for security or confidentiality purposes. You can determine what
data is available to a particular user or group of users by defining a view on select
fields from the view's base tables.
Define your views carefully and skillfully, and they will become a valuable asset after
you've implemented the database within your RDBMS.
Anatomy of a View
There are three types of views ( data, aggregate, and validation ) that you can define as you
design the logical structure of the database and two types of views ( materialized and parti-
tioned )thatyoucandefineasyouimplement yourdatabasewithinanRDBMS.Theability
to define the latter two types of views and the manner in which you do so are highly de-
pendent upon your RDBMS, so they are beyond the scope of this topic. We will, therefore,
focus our attention on the first three types of views.
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