Database Reference
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When necessary, consult the final table list and read the description for this table, and refer
be useful to you while you're defining rules for this table and focusing on the table in this
manner prepares you for the next step.
Step 2: Review Each Field and Determine Whether It Requires Any Constraints
Examine the Field Specifications sheet for each field and determine whether you should
apply a constraint to any of its elements. Keep the questions from Step 1 in mind as you
review a given specification sheet, and then pose this question:
Based on how the table is used within the database, is a constraint
necessary for any element within this specification?
If the answer is no, move on to the next field; otherwise, go on to the next step. For ex-
ample, assume you're working with the C UST C OUNTY field in a CUSTOMERS table and
you have just posed the question about the need for a constraint. ( Figure 11.6 shows the
current Logical Elements category for this field.)
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