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3. This structure is inherently volatile. In its current state, the table unnecessarily re-
stricts the number of categories an instructor can teach; you must create additional
category fields when you have instructors who teach more than three categories.
Adding more category fields just compounds the first two problems.
RealizingthatflatteningtheC ATEGORIES T AUGHT fieldwon'tsolveyourproblem,yournext
thought is to bring the field into compliance with the second element of an ideal field and
declare that it will contain only a single value. Although this is a good impulse and a step
in the right direction, it will not resolve the matter completely because it will introduce yet
another problem: data redundancy. Figure 7.19 illustrates what happens when you follow
through with this particular idea. Note that there is now a single value in the C ATEGORIES
T AUGHT field for each record in the table.
Figure 7.19. The result of bringing C ATEGORIES T AUGHT into compliance with the
second element of an ideal field
The values in C ATEGORIES T AUGHT cause redundant data because you must duplicate a giv-
en instructor record for each category that the instructor teaches. This redundancy is obvi-
ously unacceptable, so you'll have to resolve this problem in some other manner.
You can avoid this situation entirely by using these steps to resolve a multivalued field.
1. Remove the field from the table and use it as the basis for a new table. If neces-
sary, rename the field in accordance with the field name guidelines that you
learned earlier in this chapter.
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