Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Fast Facts U shuaia
Currency Ex change Thaler, Av. San M artín 788 ( & 2901/421911 ), is an old-
fashioned currency Exchange house. Banco Patagonia, Avenida San M artín and
Godoy ( & 2901/432080 ), and Banco Nación, A v. San M artín 190 ( & 2901/
422896 ); both ex change currency and ha ve 24-hour ATMs.
Laundry Los Tres Angeles, Rosas 139, is open M onday through Saturday from
9am to 8pm.
Pharmacy Andina, Av. San M artín 638 ( & 2901/423431 ).
Post O ffice Correo A rgentino is at A venida San M artín and Godo y ( & 2901/
421347 ), open M onday through Friday from 9am t o 7pm, Satur day from 9am t o
1pm; the privat e postal c ompany OCA is at M aipú and A venida 9 de Julio
( & 2901/424729 ), open M onday through Saturday from 9am t o 6pm.
Travel Agency & Credit C ards American Express travel and cr edit card services
are provided by All Patagonia, Juana F adul 60 ( & 2901/433622 ).
It seems that anyone with a large house in Ushuaia is offering rooms, and the plethora of
hotels, B&Bs, and cabins can be be wildering. N evertheless, accommodations ar e not
cheap, and price is often not indicativ e of quality. It's best to shop ar ound before com-
mitting to lodgings. There is also a ne w Sheraton Hotel being built on the hillside, as
well as a handful of other important new hotel investments planned (but as of press time
still under wraps).
Very Expensive
Finisterris Lodge Moments What could be mor e luxurious than y our own private
mountain cabin complete with a private spa, a private chef at hand, private transfers and
a personal concierge ready to indulge all your needs? And then there's the privileged view,
looking across at the Beagle Channel and down at the poor souls beneath you unable to
afford this kind of opulence. Finisterris consists of four über-deluxe wooden cabins, each
with giant windows, fireplaces, beautiful kitchens, lavish bedrooms, double Jacuzzis, and
built-in saunas. I t's hard to categoriz e a place this unique; the staff takes personaliz ed
service to unhear d-of levels. It could make y ou feel coddled and spoiled. I t could also
leave you utterly relaxed. This is a decadent and r omantic place, where privacy is a top
priority. It's not ideal for children.
Monte Susana Ladera Este, Ushuaia. & 2901/15-616125 (cell), or 11/5917-8288 in Buenos Air es. www. 4 units . $490 (£331) double . R ates include all transf ers, use of c ellphone. MC, V.
Amenities: Wine cellar; shopping; massage; excursions; private chef. In room: TV/DVD player (DVDs avail-
able), kitchen, safe, PlayStation, sauna, Jacuzzi.
Las Hayas Resort Hotel For years, this was the top hotel in Ushuaia, on the road
to G lacier M artial. I t has traditionally w elcomed all VIPs and major ev ents and has
appealed to those looking for old-world elegance. Times have changed, and the mar ket
is much mor e competitive. Las H ayas needs to up the ante to stay at the top . A major
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